- Details
Created: Thursday, 18 April 2024 13:12
Written by Nick Barrable

APR24 - Vol.45/2 was posted 6th May. There have been issues with delayed European address deliveries. We apologise for this and are looking into things. The issue contains coverage of JK2024, 3rd Cyprus International O Festival, the start of our 'Who are all the 21s?' column, O-Myths #10, Ex-GBR Elites abroad #21: Helen Palmer, Emily Benham MTBOer retires, Borrego Maps from the USA, LVO club approach club activities in a new way, Silvanus, Barkley Marathons, Orienteers making the Paris Olympics, BUCS, Interland 2024, and much more naturally.
Make sure you are up to date with your subscription! Standing Orders should have been updated to the new rates.
Want to see an issue before you subscribe? We will send you an older back issue to see how amazing CompassSport is, and why it is repeatedly noted by Orienteers as being the best Orienteering Magazine in the world. Mail Nick -at- CompassSport.co.uk with your postal address.
Some reader feedback from the last 12 months...
Thank you for all your hard work in producing such a super mag. IF, IOW
Keep up the great work. It’s a brilliant publication and something I look forward to each and every time. CMcG, USA
We really enjoy the reading, both for the contents and for the funny way of practicing English. Thanks and keep editing! Ida, CZE
Another great edition. Congrats. JR
Thank you for all the hard work that goes into producing an excellent magazine. EJW
Tack för ännu ett mycket bra nummer av CompassSport! Alltid lika trevlig läsning! Excellent! LG, Sweden
Firstly, I’m a recent subscriber to CompassSport, and I’d like to thank you for producing such an excellent magazine. Always full of interesting articles – and as someone who only recently got into orienteering, very useful to help me understand more about my new favourite sport. JS
Loved the OMM coverage in the latest issue. AT
C'sport No 5 just in, thank you. Enjoying the usual features and an especial big like for Neil's diagram on what is forbidden to cross - a very effective way of explaining I thought. Belated congrats for your World Champs articles in the previous issue: I thoroughly enjoyed and thought they were really good. PS
First of all I like to thank Nick for such a wonderful magazine. Especially the abundance of maps makes it the best O -magazine in the world. I have read many orienteering journals during the last 40 years and find the current versions of the Finnish and Swedish ones having a long way to reach the heights of CompassSport. So - keep up the good work! HF, FIN
Another great issue, another great editorial this month Nick. Very well said
- PM
It’s a brilliant edition! J
I enjoyed reading the magazine. Great job (all of you) in creating a comprehensive and top quality product! US, DEN
"shadowing tactics" - love the euphemism. "Return of the trees" :)) Well done - great editorial (tears to my eyes). JR
I thought the August edition was excellent – if I can get it from Sue I may be able to finish it! KM
Just so you know, I liked the large picture of the two GB orienteerers and in every issue, the first article I read is Silvanus!!!! – JB, CAN
Congratulations on the new issue of CompassSport Magazine, it was a very interesting read! – LB
Got my Megan Carter-Davies mag on Sunday night when I got home. Loved the poster. Great read, as ever. I especially liked the article about the planning - fascinating. DR